About Covenant Sport
Covenant: Noun
:a promise, agreement, or contract between two parties.
Covenant Sport was founded off the belief that there is a very specific set of people who embody a similar mentality, passion, and discipline for the lifestyle of fitness and bodybuilding. Those who make a covenant with the iron.
Covenant Sport serves as a community of people who share these qualities in an effort to bring them together as one team known as "The Committed".
Covenant Sport refers to this set of beliefs and qualities as our Creed - it is what brings The Committed together. The Creed is a set of principles that guide our discipline and mentality to live the lifestyle that others choose not to. The lifestyle that is not always understood, but the lifestyle that leads to a community of physically and mentally strong enthusiasts and athletes who wake up with the D.B.A.B (Don't Be A B*TCH) mentality.
We are Covenant Sport. We are The Committed.